Travel Insurance is a specific type of insurance that is available to a person who is about to travel or will travel in the future. Travel insurance comes in many different varieties ranging from trip cancellation or interruption insurance to emergency medical or catastrophe insurance. Travel insurance may be purchased from travel agents or certain insurance companies.
Since nothing an be said of what can happen the next moment, it is wise to get a travel insurance while traveling away from your loved ones or even with them on a holiday. Travel insurance brings with it a degree of peace of mind and also a sense of security. Arranging for travel insurance in the United Kingdom is not a big deal and there are a number of service providers with offers to suit all circumstances and needs. There are a variety of options available for travel insurance and you need to choose the right one for yourself, keeping in mind your requirements and the nature of your travel. Single Trip Travel Insurance: Single trip travel insurance is totally flexible and it can be tailored to the length of your trip and destination that you choose. It is simple to set up and cost efficient if planning no more trips in the next 12 months. Single trip travel insurance cost almost nothing, considering its benefits (in some cases it can be as small as 10 pounds a person). Options for single trip travel insurance:
Annual Multi Trip Travel Insurance Travel: Insurance for unlimited trips for a whole year within the country or Worldwide cover. It is good for frequent travelers and cost around 50 pounds per person. Couple and family policies cover all people individually, even when not traveling together . Options for: Backpacker Travel Insurance: Backpacker travel insurance covers you for long trips abroad, anywhere in the world. Trips of 31 days to a year worldwide are insured. Backpacker usually is a flexible cover and can be tailored precisely to your needs. Ski and Adventure Travel Insurance: A feasible and important option for those interested in skiing and other adventure sports. If you like to do more than just sit on the beach for many days and water rafting, bungee jumping and sky diving keeps you going, make sure you have a right kind of insurance with you. Many companies offer special winter sports insurance that provides you with excellent all-round cover for skiing and snowboarding. . Covers your own and hired ski equipment . Includes covers for lift pass and ski school costs
Business Travel Insurance: Business Travel Insurance gives you the travel insurance protection you need while you are on business abroad. Business cover is generally available for annual multi trip policy. It usually cost no more than a 100 pounds for a person for one year. It covers - . Cancellation (including Emergency Replacement Business Colleague) . Business Equipment (including Laptops and PDAs) . Sports Equipment (including Golf Clubs) Travel Insurance For Older People: Many insurance companies provide special travel insurance package for the elderly people (generally 60 plus of age). Key benefits of such a package include: . Emergency Medical Expenses that can in some cases range up to several million pounds. . Cancellation & Curtailment up to some thousand pounds (figures vary from company to company). . Personal Possessions of some thousand pounds (figures vary from company to company). . Departure Delay up to £200 |